Our Company
Our services include actuarial studies, contract pricing analysis, actuarially-based population flow projections, CCRC regulatory disclosure reports, estimates of the obligation to provide future services, and financial projections for meeting accreditation standards. Our expertise has assisted CCRC Boards and managers in objectively assessing (a) funding designs for their continuing care contracts, (b) adequate and equitable pricing policies, and (c) financial consequences of their strategic planning initiatives.
By many measures, A.V. POWELL & ASSOCIATES is the leading actuarial consulting firm that provides services to CCRCs and CCaHs. In 1984, AV Powell co-authored CCRCs: An Empirical, Financial, and Legal Analysis which remains the de facto standard for evaluating financial solvency of CCRCs. Members of our firm chaired the committee that developed the first actuarial standards of practice for CCRCs (ASOP No. 3) and the committee that developed standard accounting guidelines for CCRCs (Chapter 14 of the AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide for Health Care Organizations). Three members of A.V. Powell & Associates participated on the Financial Advisory Panel (FAP) of the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities – Continuing Care Accreditation Commission (CARF-CCAC). Since 1985, we have published three sets of standardized actuarial assumptions for CCRCs based on scientific experience studies from the largest database of CCRC resident movements in the industry.
Our full-time staff consists of three actuaries and two accountants, in addition to health care consultants and support staff in Atlanta, Kansas City, Omaha, Portland, St. Louis, and Virginia Beach. To learn more about our capabilities, contact one of our managing consultants: AV Powell, Mike Hopper, or Molly Shaw.